Welcome, pilgrim.

Here you’ll find a hodgepodge of reflections, medieval and modern.

In 2021, I finished my Master’s thesis on the medieval liturgy, got married, and moved to a 500 year old flat in Cambridge, UK. While my husband pursued his graduate degree, I explored old cathedrals, learned how to live without a freezer or dishwasher, and learned about the layers of history in Cambridgeshire. In 2022 I moved back across the Atlantic to a charming small town in the middle of “hunt country” with a baby on the way and a hankering for Chick Fil A. In this little corner of the internet, I channel my scholarly passions into integrating the medieval with daily life as a Catholic wife and mother, along with jotting down odds and ends floating around my mind. However you found your way here, I hope you stay a while!

Latest musings…

Isidore’s bad etymologies and the garden of liturgical life

Some people find their interior life transformed faster than the lifecycle of the sugar snap pea, over the course of a 9-day novena or 3-day retreat. Others after trudging through lent after lent before catching a glimpse of the joyous fruits God has in store

A journey into Old Hispanic Holy Week

The Old Hispanic prayers during the sign of peace on Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday illuminate even further the really momentous thing that was happening during these liturgies.

Benedictio in Diem Sancte Marie

Today, December 18th, the day of which Christmas is the Octave, the Visigoths celebrated dies Sancte Marie (for the day of Holy Mary), one of the most important feasts in the Old Hispanic liturgical calendar. While the scriptural references in the proper prayers primarily involve the Annunciation, this was the sole feast of the Blessed…

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